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GEA builds Dairygold’s next milk powder plant in Ireland

15 Nov 2018

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

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+49 211 9136-0

GEA Hakkında

GEA, 2019 yılında 4,9 milyar EUR konsolide geliri ile gıda işleme endüstrisi ve diğer birçok endüstri için en büyük tedarikçilerden birisidir.

Uluslararası teknoloji grubu, proses teknolojisi ve bileşenlerinin yanı sıra makine ve tesisler konusunda uzmandır. GEA, çeşitli son-kullanıcı pazarlarında sofistike üretim proseslerine yönelik sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri sağlamakta ve kapsamlı bir hizmet portföyü sunmaktadır. Grup, gelirinin yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini gıda ve içecek sektöründen elde etmekte olup uzun-vadeli sürdürülebilir bir büyüme göstermektedir. 31 Aralık 2018 itibariyle, şirketin dünya genelinde yaklaşık 18,500 çalışanı bulunmaktadır. GEA, faaliyet alanlarında bir pazar ve teknoloji lideridir. Şirket, Alman MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), STOXX® Europe 600 Endeksinde ve seçkin MSCI Küresel Sürdürülebilir Endeksinde yer almaktadır.

In July of this year, GEA received the order for Dairygold’s next milk powder plant in Ireland in Mallow, County Cork. The scope includes one new spray drier (GEA’s Multi-Stage Dryer - MSD® size 1000), one new evaporator to match (type 3 MVR), one new 12MT/hr x 25kg GEA powder packing LI Line (Limited Intervention) including N2 gas packing, as well as the associated powder transfer and handling systems.

2018.11.09_milk powders

This new plant in Dairygold’s Nutritionals Campus Mallowwill havea powder output capacity of 7.5MT/hr of whole milk, skim milk and fat-filled milk powders and will be on full production in March of 2020. The plant is similar to the previous projectswith Dairygoldimplementedrespectively andcommissioned by GEA in 2016 (GEAevaporator, spray drierandpowder packing and handling).

In addition to these new projects, GEA has previously supplied and commissioned major projects for Dairygold in their other main milk-powder facility in Mitchelstown, notably a new spray drier, evaporator and various other evaporator projects, as well as another 12MT/hr x 25kgpowder packingLI Line and a 10MT/hr x 1,000kg IBC-Filler(Intermediate Bulk Containers)andpowder systemto suit.

When the previous Mallow facility was officially opened last year, Dairygold Chief Executive Jim Woulfe said: “The Mallow investment delivers on the twin objectives of our Dairy Expansion plan. This world-class Nutritionals Campus not only caters for our members’ expanding milk production, but it also puts in place the processing technology to expand our range of higher-value ingredientsfor the adult and infant nutritionals sector.This in turn creates more value added for our increasing milk volumes. The Nutritionals Campus will be at the forefront of our Nutritionals growth agenda.”

Dairygold’s previous experience of GEA’s project and technical team’s abilities, knowledge and enthusiasm to solve commissioning issues quicklyandefficiently was a big factor in awarding this further contract to GEA, as well as the well-recognised experience GEA has withinfant formulaproduction plant design and finished powder requirements.

“We are honoured that Dairygold chose us again as their process technology provider,” saidNiels Erik Olsen, member of the Executive Boardof GEA GroupAktiengesellschaft.“It is inspiring for us to partner with industry leaders in Ireland such as Dairygold.”

2018.11.09_Dairygold plant in Mallow

Ireland is an importantdairymarket for GEA, not only in supplying new and upgraded powder facilitiessuch asthis new Dairygold project, but also in all other areas ofdairy processing, e.g. cheese systems, whey processing, membrane technology, etc. Headquartered in Naas, with over 130projectandservicestaff in various locations, servicing all parts of the GEA business portfolio, GEA has a substantial local presence in thedairy businessin Ireland and has been providing solutions to the industry there for many years. GEA also backs up itssolutionsbusiness with an efficient service offering that ensures continued sustainable and optimal plant performance. 

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