
Customer story GEA and CIAL create quality cured meat products that families trust

GEA and CIAL create quality cured meat products that families trust | Customer Story

GEA and CIAL work together to produce the finest cured meat products of South America. CIAL Foods has been producing cured meats in Chile for over 50 years and its brands including La Preferida, San Jorge and Winter are the preferred choice of the country's 20 million people.
A future-proof cheese factory

A future proof cheese factory: Milchwerk Crailsheim

Having faced the need for a substantial upgrade in 2019, Milchwerk Crailsheim-Dinkelsbühl worked with GEA on a future proof cheese factory.

Van der Mey, the Netherlands | Making better ham and bacon

Making better bacon and ham products | Customer Story

Van der Mey: Producing premium ham and bacon since 1956. Learn how they innovate with GEA for excellence in taste and ham and bacon production efficiency.

GEAはpFriem Family Brewersのクラフトビール醸造設備を遠隔操作でアップグレードしました。

GEAの自動化ソフトウェアがpFriem Family Brewers社の受賞ビールを後押しします。





Mora, the Netherlands | 1000mm processig line

GEA and Mora working together for continual innovation | Customer Story

GEA and Mora: 60 Years of Food Innovation. Learn how GEA's collaboration with Mora led to industry leadership in food manufacturing.
スイスのヴィラール・シュル・グラヌにあるCremoの製造拠点。写真: STEMUTZ PHOTO

Valfoo / Cremo ラクトフェリン製造


Syringe and vial.

Aseptic valves | VESTA valves in state-of-the-art Korean insulin line

GEA has supplied one of the largest drug manufacturers in Korea with manufacturing equipment for a state-of-the-art pharma production plant. More than 7,000 VESTA® sterile valves were installed to direct the product flow in two...




Being very low hygroscopic the alternative sugar isomaltulose (Palatinose™) is used in the production of various foods and beverages such as baked goods, breakfast cereals, dairy products, fruit juice drinks,  sports nutrition as well as confectionery. Picture: © BENEO

Hygienic pumps | HYGIA pumps prove versatility in isomaltulose production

GEA Hygienic pumps prove their versatility in the production of isomaltulose at BENEO GmbH.
Fluor silo

How do you clean a fluor silo?

In this practical example, the development of an effective cleaning technology for a flour silo involved applying the different available cleaners and cleaning methods to ensure optimized hygiene.


Saving water where beer comes to life

Reducing the consumption of water and cleaning medium by setting up the right tank cleaners at a customer’s sight in the brewery industry.

スイスのヴィラール・シュル・グラヌにあるCremoの製造拠点。写真: STEMUTZ PHOTO

Valfoo / Cremo ラクトフェリン製造


Slovak Dairy Company Expands Range and Increases Capacity with GEA

Looking to meet evolving market trends and expand into the healthy beverage sector with high protein and plant-based drinks, EUROMILK contacted GEA to source

Joy Cone facility

A collaboration between GEA Bakery and Joy creating high quality products.

A collaboration between GEA Bakery and Joy creating high quality products.

オランダの Vivera 社 | MultiFormer を使った植物由来の成形品

GEA と Vivera が協力してより優れたベジタリアン・ビーガン食品を開発

オランダの Vivera 社は1990年の創業以来、ヴィーガン・ベジタリアン食品を専門に製造する企業として GEA とパートナーシップを組んできました。同社の主な製品グループの開発と事業成功はこのパートナーシップに支えられています。

Gold Creek Foods | Breaded chicken on belt

Delivering value for growth at Gold Creek Foods, US

Gold Creek Foods, USA, needed 2 new production lines to support the increased demand for a variety of breaded chicken products. The lines include 2 GEA CookStar 1000 GEN 3 ovens, multiple MultiDrum breaders and 2 freezers.

Master Good Group - Sage | Packaging

Master Good: quality is the only long-terms strategy for success.

A combination of GEA technology and know-how is helping Master Good Group, Hungary, achieve efficiency, quality, increased automation, sustainability and release the passion of four generations of the Bárány family.

Scaling up with GEA homogenizers for a competitive edge



Slovak Dairy Company Expands Range and Increases Capacity with GEA

Looking to meet evolving market trends and expand into the healthy beverage sector with high protein and plant-based drinks, EUROMILK contacted GEA to source


GEA デカンタによりベンガルールの湖が復活

GEA デカンタはベンガルールの水を再生し、街の湖を復活させるのに一役買っています。


GEA Bakery がオーガニック製品やアレルゲンフリー製品の製造に貢献

Germinal Group と GEA Bakery は人々の生活を向上させるため、グルテンフリーのベーカリー製品を製造しています。

Naarmann: On the way to climate-friendlier dairy production - Managing Director Andreas Naarmann (right), GEA’s Sven Irrgang and Project Manager Michael Frenking (left). The Naarmann dairy saves 300 liters of water per hour of separator operation. (Image: GEA)

Naarmann: On the way to climate-friendlier dairy production

Sustainability is not a new consideration for the Neuenkirchen-based Naarmann private dairy in the Münsterland region of Germany.

GEA 冷却ソリューションがヴィーガン食品メーカー Quorn の良き判断材料に

GEA のソリューションにより Quorn Foods の冷凍能力が向上

GEA の製品を導入することにより、Quorn Foods(英国)では冷凍能力が7%向上しただけでなく、省エネの実現とカーボンフットプリントの削減に成功しました。

トルコのエルメネクにある Pol's の凍結乾燥施設

Pol’s と GEA が共同で地域の持続可能な農業を支援

GEA は Pol’s から、トルコのエルメネクにある同社の施設に RAY® 凍結乾燥装置を納入・設置する 3 件目の契約を獲得しました。

GEA provides integrated cooling and heating solution for 2 Sisters Storteboom in Komorniki

GEA provides integrated cooling and heating solution for 2 Sisters Storteboom in Komorniki

GEA has supplied integrated cooling and heating systems for the factory of the poultry processing company 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. in Komorniki, Poland. The aim is to significantly reduce energy consumption and CO₂ emissions,...

AHE Dairy GEA Dairy Robot R9500 family

GEA DairyRobot R9500

Canadian De Jong family has chosen to build a brand-new facility with five GEA DairyRobot R9500. They very quickly saw an improvement in milk quality and an increase in milk production.

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