EDITION 2021 for our DairyRobot product line – The next step in automated milking

DairyRobot R9500 EDITION 2021

Modular platform, countless options

Plan your barn, cow traffic concept and milking operation with GEA’s DairyRobot product line freely and flexibly. The standardized milking stall module needs the least space of all the systems on the market and can accommodate every option from flexible single boxes to multi-box systems all the way to the automated rotary milking parlor. You can also design the milking operation as you see fit: Free or guided cow flow with free milking times or automated group milking with fixed milking times are all equally possible. Our FarmDesign team realizes together with you a concept completely according to your wishes, from the first sketch to the detailed plan. A unique advantage of the modular concept is that new developments automatically apply to all variants of the product line.

DairyRobot R9500 EDITION 2021

EDITION 2021 | Unmatched advantages thanks to flexible updating

The Edition 2021 is not only available for new systems; instead, the milking stall module is structured in a standardized and modular way. That’s why every existing DairyRobot milking system can easily be updated. Whether using R9500 or DairyProQ, upgrades will ensure you’re milking with the newest product!

Individual and future-proof

Based on many years of experience, GEA decided from the very beginning to develop an intelligent and autonomously-operating milking stall module. Take advantage of the invaluable benefits for either new facilities or for modernization. Like no other milking robot, the DairyRobot can be integrated into your very own barn concept. In addition, ensure your milking system always up to speed with upgrades and updates. For technology, software and service, DairyRobot means choosing a future-proof basis for your dairy farm!


  • Also available as upgrade for existing installations
    …thanks to the unique platform strategy
  • Future-proof development
    Updates and thus many new features of the Edition 2021 are automatically available for all variants of the DairyRobot line.
Add Better

Add Better - offrire ai clienti soluzioni efficienti dal punto di vista delle risorse

La nostra etichetta Add Better richiama l'attenzione sulle soluzioni GEA significativamente migliori in termini di efficienza e impatto ambientale rispetto al prodotto precedente.
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Dairy farms worldwide are already milking with GEA’s DairyRobot automated milking systems - Be part of the team, join #TeamDairyRobot.
GEA DairyNet Herdenmanagement

DairyNet Herd and Farm Management for your DairyRobot R9500

For your herd and farm management
GEA DairyRobot R9500

Robot di mungitura GEA DairyRobot R9500

Il robot di mungitura R9500 offre la possibilità di scegliere fra mungitura automatica con orari di mungitura liberi e mungitura di gruppi a sessioni. L'avanzata tecnologia di mungitura di GEA consente di realizzare un sistema intelligentemente progettato su misura per ogni tipo di azienda e i suoi animali!
GEA DairyProQ – Sala di mungitura rotativa automatizzata per mandrie di 600 capi e oltre

Sala di mungitura rotativa robotizzata DairyProQ di GEA

Nel modello DairyProQ, la giostra di mungitura robotizzata della linea di prodotti DairyRobot di GEA, tutto contribuisce ad aumentare l'efficienza operativa. Sensori vi aiutano a rilevare precocemente segnali di avvertimento per la salute della mammella. La soluzione GEA per mandrie più numerose vi permette di programmare in modo produttivo per il futuro!
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