Robots de ordeño

Sistema de ordeño robotizado GEA DairyRobot R9500

Sistemas de ordeño robotizado inteligentemente diseñados para darle eficiencia y flexibilidad

El sistema DairyRobot R9500 está diseñado para mejorar el proceso de ordeño de sus vacas y para ayudarle a que se enfoque en ahorrar tiempo.

Esta flexibilidad de diseño del robot de ordeño le permite elegir el ordeño voluntario con su estilo de tráfico de vacas preferido, el ordeño de grupos con tiempos fijos y las ventajas de la sala de ordeño. Sea cual sea el sistema que elija, DairyRobot R9500 da la bienvenida a cada vaca y le ayuda a gestionar cada paso en su lactancia, para un nuevo nivel de ordeño inteligente automatizado en su explotación.

DairyRobot R9500 – fostering sustainable dairy farming

Add Better

As one of our most resource-efficient solutions, our milking robot carries the Add Better label.

By combining process automation with digitalization, GEA supports you in making your dairy farm more sustainable, flexible and easier to manage while improving animal welfare. The DairyRobot R9500 requires up to 19% less energy than the predecessor model as single box.* Additional process improvements also reduce water consumption, detergent use and milking times. Combined with the energy savings, these enhancements result in significantly more sustainable and economical milking to support next-generation dairy farming. The Add Better label relates to the serial product DairyRobot R9500, released in July 2021. The comparison refers to its predecessor model.

Prior to receiving the Add Better label, the Dairy Robot’s efficiency gains were also confirmed via independent testing by the German Agricultural Society (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft – DLG).

*The measurements refer to the latest generation DairyRobot R9500 with connected loads of 1.1 kW for vacuum and 2.2 kW for compressed air. Does not apply to the FDA US variant.

GEA DairyRobot

Un sistema de ordeño automático para una leche de calidad premium

La demostrada tecnología In-Liner Everything de GEA realiza cada uno de los pasos del proceso de ordeño —estimulación, limpieza del pezón, retirada anterior, ordeño y desinfección posterior— con una sola fijación. Este proceso uniforme, rápido y cómodo que ocurre en la pezonera es fundamental para que obtenga una leche de altísima calidad, a la vez que optimiza su explotación de ordeño robotizado.

An automated milking system for premium milk quality

GEA’s proven In-Liner Everything technology performs every step of the milking process – stimulation, teat cleaning, forestripping, milk harvest and post-dipping – in a single attachment. This uniform, quick and comfortable process, all occurring within the teat cup, is key to harvesting excellent quality milk while maximizing the efficiency of your robotic milking facility.

Robotic milker attached to a dairy cow’s udder

GEA DairyRobot R9500 – In-Liner Everything technology

Groundbreaking mastitis detection by individual quarter

Combine your GEA robotic milking system with pioneering sensor-based technology that helps facilitate earlier detection of mastitis. During milk flow, the optional GEA DairyMilk M6850 cell count classes sensor monitors every udder quarter of every cow at every milking and without the use of any chemical consumables or reagents. Thanks to the cell count analysis in each individual udder quarter you can more accurately detect subclinical mastitis infections and benefit directly from faster treatment periods. Its sensor technology unlike anything else on the market - and it is working continuously to help protect the udder health of your herd.

GEA DairyMilk M6850 cell count sensor w

Un robot de ordeño diseñado para la productividad y el confort animal

El espacio compacto que ocupa el DairyRobot R9500 puede integrarse sin interrupción en su explotación, tanto si va a construir un establo nuevo como si adapta uno existente. Las compuertas de entrada y salida se abren en toda su anchura y el robusto bastidor final guía a las vacas de todos los tamaños a su mejor posición para la fijación. El MilkRack se desliza en silencio y con comodidad por debajo de la vaca, y ahora, la cámara de 3D más reciente con tecnología Time-of-Flight (ToF) se fija con precisión a la pezonera. Cuando termina el proceso de ordeño, el bebedero hidroformado queda cubierto. Esto estimula a las vacas para que abandonen el robot de ordeño más rápidamente cuando la compuerta se abre.

A milking robot designed for cow comfort and productivity

The compact footprint of the DairyRobot R9500 can be seamlessly integrated into your facility, whether you are building new or retrofitting an old barn. The entrance and exit gates open wide and the robust end frame guides cows of all sizes gently into the best position for attachment. The MilkRack quietly and comfortably glides under the cow, and the most recent 3D camera with Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology precisely attaches the teatcup. When the milking process is over, the hydroformed feed trough is covered. This encourages the cow to leave the milking robot more quickly when the door opens.

Attachment camera on the DairyRobot R9500 robotic milker

GEA DairyRobot R9500 – 3D camera with Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology

Automatic milking with less complexity

The GEA DairyRobot R9500 is simply smarter milking technology. The milking robot’s strong performance is achieved in combination with streamlined maintenance, and the ability for 24/7 operation with minimum use of consumables and energy. With the DairyRobot R9500, up to four boxes can be connected to one Supply Unit. This way they share one vacuum pump, compressor, milk and calf milk line, and tank connection – which means less equipment and reduced system complexity. This lowers overall operational consumptions and the more boxes you operate the greater the benefits!

See the latest features of the new DairyRobot R9500 robotic milking system

Socios de servicio confiables para un máximo rendimiento

Cuando elige un robot de ordeño GEA, permanecemos a su lado desde el primer día. Siempre tendrá cerca un distribuidor certificado que está especializado en sistemas de ordeño automático gracias a la extensa red global de GEA. Su distribuidor GEA le brinda soporte desde la planificación e instalación, hasta la manera de perfeccionar sus procesos de producción en sus operaciones diarias. Si sucede algún problema, el equipo de soporte GEA acudirá con gran celeridad. Con una disponibilidad nunca interrumpida y rápidos tiempos de reacción, le brindamos lo mejor que tenemos para su explotación lechera.

Trusted service partners for maximum performance

When you choose a GEA milking robot, GEA is at your side from day one. A certified dealer specialized in automated milking systems is always nearby thanks to GEA’s extensive worldwide network. Your GEA dealer supports you from planning and installation all the way to perfecting production processes in your daily operation. If there’s any kind of problem, a GEA support team will be there for you in no time. With non-stop availability and quick reaction time, we give our best for your dairy business.

Adam Garfat, R&D Garfat Farms, has experienced faster milking times since installing their GEA robot.

Large display screen gives Garfat’s easy access to data

Large display screen gives Garfat’s easy access to data

"We really like the camera feature that allows for efficient attachment. Plus, with the all-in-one liner, it cleans, milks and dips in one smooth motion"

Adam Garfat


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