Coating 360°

Recubrimiento 360° | Obtenga una visión completa sobre el rebozado industrial de alimentos

Get a 360° view on industrial food coating and gain insights on how to master the process

The coating process was commercially introduced with seasoned breading in the late 1930s, primarily for seafood. Today, many more food types are coated to add value. Commercial coatings are formulated from a vast array of flours, seasonings, batters and breaders that enhance product appearance, texture and color, as well as lock in flavor and moisture.

Food coating is derived from know-how and experience. The product to be coated and the ingredients used in coatings typically have complex characteristics and variations, and interact with each other.

Therefore, Griffith foods - a global product development partner, specialized in high-quality food ingredients - and GEA Food solutions - leading food processing equipment manufacturer - would like to share their experience with you. 

Learn more about:

  • The importance of interaction between substrate, ingredients and equipment
  • The variety of coating types and layers (batter, flour, crumb, tempura, homestyle, ...)
  • Necessary equipment
  • Tips and tricks on how to master the process and improve your product quality
  • Future-proof coatings

Who should attend:

R&D, process and marketing managers from food companies for fish, poultry, meat-alternative, vegetarian and vegetable applications.


  • Mirande Franken – Marketing Specialist at GEA (moderator)
  • Tim Pessers – Food Technologist at GEA
  • Bartel Pyckhout - R&D Manager Coatings & Functional Solutions at Griffith

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