EDITION 2021 for our DairyRobot product line – The next step in automated milking

GEA DairyRobot R9500 - Edition 2021

Targeted development for sustainable milking

DairyRobot R9500 EDITION 2021

Starting with the animal-friendly, round-shaped design to the MilkRack that quickly attaches teat cups with just a few movements through to the gentle and complete milking routine inside the liner, the DairyRobot product line offers leading milking technology while ensuring high cow comfort. At the same time, you benefit from the high-quality parts and materials ensuring maximum performance in 24/7 operation. Innovative technology guarantees efficient processes combined with energy-saving drive systems. Promoting animal health and hygienic milk production all the way to the tank creates the best conditions for your business success and the well-being of your herd.

EDITION 2021 | How perfection can be further improved

DairyRobot R9500 EDITION 2021

As a reliable partner at your side, GEA continuously strives to make milking even more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable for you. The Edition 2021 therefore contains many small, sometimes barely visible changes in details that have an immense effect on daily and long-term operation. See for yourself: improved materials, optimized energy use and extended service intervals, as well as easier cleaning, lead to significantly lower operative and service costs!

DairyRobot R9500 EDITION 2021

It’s all in the details

Up to four milking robots can be connected to the R9500’s supply unit. This is not only especially energy-efficient, but also has advantages if you want to optimize your operation from the beginning, or keep your options open for future expansions.

Optional empty slot modules have been developed for the DairyProQ rotary milking parlor. These allow you to reduce investment costs at the time of purchase and then increase throughput performance at an appropriate time by adding further milking stall modules.

Add Better

Add Better: capacitar a los clientes con soluciones eficientes en el uso de recursos

Nuestra etiqueta Add Better busca llamar la atención sobre las soluciones de GEA que son significativamente mejores que su productos predecesores en lo que se refiere a eficiencia e impacto medioambiental.
GEA DairyFarming Dealer Finder

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Dairy farms worldwide are already milking with GEA’s DairyRobot automated milking systems - Be part of the team, join #TeamDairyRobot.
GEA DairyNet Herdenmanagement

DairyNet Herd and Farm Management for your DairyRobot R9500

For your herd and farm management
GEA DairyRobot R9500

Sistema de ordeño robotizado GEA DairyRobot R9500

Con el robot de ordeño R9500 la elección es suya: Ordeño automático con tiempos de ordeño voluntarios o mediante el ordeño de grupos. Gracias a la tecnología de ordeño de GEA, sea lo que sea más adecuado para su operación, dispondrá de un sistema diseñado inteligentemente para su ganado.
GEA DairyProQ: sala de ordeño rotativa automática para rebaños a partir de 600 vacas

Sala de ordeño rotativa GEA DairyProQ

En la DairyProQ, el carrusel de ordeño robotizado de la línea de productos DairyRobot de GEA; todo contribuye a aumentar la eficiencia operativa. Los sensores ayudan a detectar a tiempo las señales de alerta en la salud de la ubre. Planifique de forma productiva el futuro con la solución de GEA para rebaños más grandes
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