Filtration and Separation
Hot gas filtration with ceramic candles for the removal of particulate matter and acid gases.
GEA high-temperature filters with ceramic elements remove particulate matter and acidic gases. The ceramic filter elements show very low dust emissions (< 2 mg/Nm3) and are thermally stable under high operating temperatures. No cooling of flue gases are required and no thermal heat energy is wasted when implementing them.
Filter elements are cleaned online during operation through separate, compressed air jet pulses. The filter elements are placed in a single or multi-compartment housing to handle flow rates of large volume. This construction technique allows for maintenance of a single module while others continue to operate without interruption of the process altogether.
The injection of lime-based reagents allows for control of inorganic gaseous emissions like HF, HCl, and SOx. The rigid candle structure enables surface filtration and forms a first layer of reactive dust for absorption processes.
When required, the candles can be enriched with a catalyst (BisCat) providing effective NOx removal by using an upfront ammonia injection and replacing a conventional selective catalyst reactor (SCR).
GEA has been building electrostatic precipitators for cleaning industrial process for over many years. Well over 12.000 units have been supplied to firms all over the world. Being the air pollution control technology supplier of choice, GEA offers innovative system designs, state-of-the-art microprocessor controls and constantly upgrades and rebu...
Bagfilters are the technology of choice in many cases when low dust content is needed for gas cleaning. Their ability to remove large Ioads on a non-selective basis has made them important for many applications.