Interconnection for real-time production data
Acting as a single point of ERP communication for all GEA Codex® modules, this unit uses a small-footprint, XML-based interface to exchange information with various external systems, including non-ERP ones
GEA Codex® Enterprise Connect provides seamless integration between the operations department and the factory floor manufacturing system. Production orders and bills of materials (BOMs) can be downloaded to the control system from the customer’s ERP system. In addition, real-time updates on material stock levels and item production numbers can be sent to the ERP system.
GEA Codex® Enterprise Connect provides an interconnected business-to-automation environment that functions as a manufacturing execution system (MES)-level broker and delivers multifunctional data for a variety of applications.
Manage your master recipes with ease (ingredients, access points, operating instructions)
With this out-of-the-box production and CIP reporting module, batch statements keep you fully informed about your process and products
GEA Codex® Traceability is a software product that records the transfer of material lot numbers and quantities from goods received to finished product. A user-friendly graphical interface provides an intuitive overview of the manufacturing facility that highlights the equipment used for the selected production run.
GEA Codex® Historian is a feature-rich data recorder that adds transparency to any process. It supports various presentation formats.
Breweries that become more flexible, sustainable and digital can more easily adapt to the changing beer market.
Lecithin holds a special place in the heart of GEA Product Sales Manager Patrick Schürmann. The versatile substance has gone from having a supporting role in edible oil refining to being the star of the highly competitive and...
The story of the GEA centrifuge begins in 1893, when Franz Ramesohl and Franz Schmidt began production of their patented mechanical milk separator, paving the way for modern dairy processing. The innovation helped overcome a...