Discover the future of dairy farming with DairyProQ, GEA’s cutting-edge rotary milking system designed for farms of any size. From operations starting with just 600 cows to the world’s largest systems handling over 5,000 cows, our technology sets the standard in efficiency and productivity. With DairyProQ, you’re equipped to scale up seamlessly and push the boundaries of what’s possible in dairy farming. Trust us to elevate your milk production to unprecedented heights!
Boost your dairy farm's efficiency with the DairyProQ milking carousel. This high-tech system ensures high productivity with minimal staff, allowing you to milk 120 to 400 cows per hour with consistent quality and flexible scheduling. The DairyProQ offers a reliable partnership with GEA, featuring continuous service, innovative online monitoring, and minimal downtime. Benefit from proven technology and expert support, with manual backup for emergencies. Invest in DairyProQ for a productive, secure, and future-ready dairy operation.
Wenn du dich für ein automatisches Melksystem von GEA entscheidest, profitierst du von Spitzentechnologie designt für gesteigerte Produktivität, verbesserten Komfort und höhere Tiergesundheit. Gestalte deinen Betrieb noch heute mit den fortschrittlichen automatischen Melksystemen von GEA.
How a Czech farm cooperative becomes a role model
Our DairyProQ installation in China housing 2 x 80 point automatic rotaries, is our largest automatic batch milking system globally. The farmer currently milks >5.000 cows with a goal to grow this considerably.
Das Beste für deinen Milchviehbetrieb mit unserer einzigartigen Plattformstrategie
GEA Dairy Farming Insights
Folge dem Infotainment-Podcast für das Netzwerk der Milchviehhalter: „GEA Dairy Farming Insights“!
Schließe dich unserer „Cowmunity“ an, die dich auf eine Reise durch die Weiten der Milchproduktion mitnimmt – Deine Quelle des Wissens und der Inspiration in jeder Folge!