Mixer/Carbonator Technology for Beverage Applications

GEA DIMIX-B Mixer/Carbonator

Mixing & carbonation for beer and beer mix beverages

Mixing and carbonating system type DIMIX-B for original wort (OG) optimization.

The GEA High-Gravity-Brewing system (HGB) type DIMIX-B has been designed for the exact control of the original wort (alcohol content) and CO2 content.

The system DIMIX-B consists of the following essential components

  • Flow meter (beer, deaerated water) 
  • Monitoring valves (CO2 deaerated water) 
  • Analyzing unit (CO2 In-line and original wort meter, optionally with alcohol metering) 
  • Saturator and saturating pipe section 
  • Operating unit

The original wort- and CO2-contents which are required for the product are stored in the recipes in the operating unit. The original wort and CO2meter detect the current measured values and the controller causes a permanent setpoint-to-actual value comparison. The resulting flow rates are adjusted by means of high-precision monitoring valves.

By means of the saturator the CO2 is finely spread in the product so that a complete bonding takes places in the following saturating pipe section.


  • High original wort accuracy (up to 0,05% original gravity) 
  • Single-stage carbonation up to the saturation value 
  • Metering of the CO2-content in the product 
  • Direct monitoring of the CO2-content CO2-dissolving by means of special jet nozzle 
  • Easy operation 
  • Compact, shop-tested aggregate 
  • Can be combined with the water deaeration systems type GEA VARIDOX-C (cold deaeration) and GEA VARIDOX-H (hot dearation).

رؤى GEA

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تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على اتصال مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

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