Integrated Small-Scale Granulation and Drying

PharmaConnect® PLUS

GEA has expanded its popular PharmaConnect with the introduction of PharmaConnect® PLUS, extending the unit’s high shear granulation capacity to encompass batch sizes of up to 60 kg.

Pellets and Granules web
Designed for small-scale granulation and research and development applications, particularly with potent actives, the PharmaConnect® PLUS — based on the established combination of a single control unit with a diverse range of process modules — further benefits from both physical and control integration with GEA’s fluidized bed processors: the FlexStream 500 and the FlexStream 1000.

Modular Concept

The modular design provides the opportunity to process batches from as little as 5 kg. With the new, increased maximum capacity, one integrated system now provides the ability to perform 1:10 scale-up procedures that are completely compliant with current regulatory requirements. Integrating GEA’s BUCK® containment valve technologies further enhances the system’s capabilities.

Both the BUCK® MC valve and the disposable Hicoflex® system are capable of delivering OEB 4 containment levels, facilitating the safe loading of raw materials and the collection of finished granulated product. The high shear granulator discharges through an integrated wet mill with granules being conveyed directly into a fluid bed processor. After drying, the end product handling system utilizes GEA’s lean phase conveying technology to ensure the rapid, contained transfer of product through the dry mill and into the finished product IBC.

PharmaConnect Plus

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