GEA es un reputado experto de la industria farmacéutica, nutracéutica, biofarmacéutica y de procesado y producción biotecnológico con más de 100 años de experiencia, y ha desarrollado un profundo conocimiento de los retos a los que enfrentan los clientes, las dificultades que deben superar y los objetivos que desean conseguir.

Con la experiencia de miles de instalaciones realizadas con éxito en todo el mundo, somos su socio confiable de elección, tanto

Improving products, Optimizing processes at GEA’s Pharma Technology Test Centers

Committed to advancing our customers’ research and development activities, GEA’s pharmaceutical technology test centers in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the UK, the USA, Singapore, China and South Korea provide global technical support and know-how to the pharmaceutical industry.

These centers of excellence give you access to a full range of test facilities and teams of experts, all of whom work closely with our customers to optimize processes and evaluate their products, enabling them to achieve their process and production goals in a cost-effective way.

Pharma test center

From new product and feasibility trials to scale-up studies, training programs and process support, we believe that our services greatly benefit anyone involved in industrial R&D, equipment selection, process optimization and product development.

From individual process steps to combined operations and from testing specialized technologies to entire manufacturing lines, we can help you to connect the dots and improve your entire production output.

Offering solid dosage applications in Wommelgem, Belgium, the largest and most advanced spray drying facility in the world in Copenhagen, Denmark, and separation technologies in Oelde, Germany, we can help you to build quality into your processes, adjust key parameters to drive your critical quality attributes to the required target levels and bring new products to market in a quick and efficient way.

Find out more about our test facilities for solid dosage forms here.

Instalación de GEA ConsiGma™ 25 en los laboratorios Pfizer de Groton (Connecticut, EE.UU.)

Las minifábricas basadas en POD llevan las medicinas antes a los pacientes

Una alianza de fabricantes y proveedores farmacéuticos integrada por Pfizer, GEA y G-CON Manufacturing acoge con satisfacción la incorporación de GSK a este consorcio dedicado al desarrollo de una solución tecnológica continua...

Probióticos e infancia

Probióticos, GEA y bichitos

El bienestar asociado a los alimentos y bebidas probióticos es un factor estimulante del mercado de estos productos.

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Recovery and upscaling of cellular enzyme processes at BIOVIAN

ConsiGma Coater - real-time video of coating cycle

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GEA Insights

Lemgo plant building

Pasado y futuro se unen en el proyecto pionero de calefacción central de Lemgo

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

La automatización marca la diferencia para las vacas, los humanos y el planeta

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

La solución de descongelación de GEA triunfa en Chile con CIAL

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