
This section provides you with relevant content for some highlight media topics.

GEA Pharmaceutical technology center - South view (Copyright: © AIP Planungs GmbH)

GEA’s second Factory of the Future

Groundbreaking for the pharma technology center in Elsdorf, Germany
GEA at Achema 2024

ACHEMA: Transforming tomorrow

Detailed information for media
Add better - GEA eco label

Add Better

Hard facts, maximum transparency: GEA eco label identifies resource-efficient solutions

Phoenix zement carbon capture solution

Carbon Capture

GEA supports CO₂-intensive industries in reducing their emissions

GEA heat pumps clean energy

Heat Pumps

Key Technology for the Energy Transition

New Food Frontiers

Report: New Food Frontiers

Realizing the promise of alternative proteins​

The alternative protein industry has made rapid progress in recent years. GEA surveyed more than 1,000 chefs globally to get their views on new food, including cell-based foods and beverages. This, combined with in-depth reporting as well as interviews from thought-leaders, industry experts and investors, provides a nuanced view of the opportunities and hurdles industry faces in scaling up alternative protein production to increase uptake.

New Food

How technology backs alternative proteins industry

GEA Separation celebrates it's 130th anniversary during a press conference in Oelde

130 years GEA Separation

How GEA drives centrifugal force to save our world's resources

Mission 26

GEA's growth strategy until 2026

In September 2021, GEA Group AG presented its "Mission 26" strategy as part of the Capital Markets Day. The plan for the next five years focuses on seven key levers to accelerate sustainable, profitable growth.

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