
Feeding Solutions

GEA Farming offers cutting-edge feeding solutions to optimize milk production, improve animal health, and reduce workload. Our innovative systems revolutionize feeding practices, ensuring efficiency and sustainability for your farm's success.
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Efficient Feeding: More Milk, Less Workload

一日分の新鮮な TMR を少量ずつ供給することで、主力グループの摂餌を促進します。GEA の自動供給システムは、お客様の計画に従って飼料の計量、混合、分配を行い、お客様から労働集約型の給餌を引き継ぎます。



Customer success stories

ベール梱包システムで収穫されたわらは、わらミルで追加処理される超ショートカットわら(右)とは異なり、5~7 cm以下の長さ(左)に切断されます。「3 kgの飼料わらを確保するのに、1 kgのベール梱包システムわらが廃棄物として発生する可能性があります。粉砕 わらを使用すれば、無駄は最小限に抑えられます」と、Weymann(ウェイマン)は述べます。

自動給餌システムの可能性を最大限に引き出す粗飼料は飼料 (給餌) 内にあり

デジタル化と自動化によるデジタルトランスフォーメーションが、世界中の酪農 酪農経営における変革を推進していることは周知の事実です。スマートフォン、タブレット、農業アプリによる酪農場管理・牛群管理が実用化されています。German Bitkomの調査によれば、現在ドイツの酪農場の21%が搾乳ロボットを使用しており、その需要は世界中で高まっています。しかも、ドイツの酪農場のうち、ほとんど2分の1がすでにインテリジェントな給餌システムを使用していま...

They are what they eat: Keeping cows fit and healthy longer with the right feeding strategy

They are what they eat: Keeping cows fit and healthy longer with the right feeding strategy

What goes for human beings, also goes for dairy cows: A healthy and individually tailored diet is one of the most important requirements for high performance and well-being. With GEA’s automated feeding systems, the perfect recipe...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.



アルファルファ(Medicago sativa)とも呼ばれるムラサキウマゴヤシは粗繊維が豊富なため、質の高い干し草として、ハイパフォーマンスな乳牛向け飼料の配合において一定の割合を占めています。アルファルファには天然のビタミンと栄養素が豊富で、乳牛にも大人気です。


GEA Farm Technologies 自動給餌システムのプロダクト マネージャーを務めるカロリナ・ヘニングス(Carolina Hennings)は、畜産業における持続可能性の進歩を異なる観点から見直しており、一見とるに足らない効率化でも気候変動対策に大きく貢献できるとしています。


Next Generation Farming

Experience GEA's commitment to next-generation farming. Engineered for sustainability and efficiency, we're pioneering solutions aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. From intelligent automation to eco-friendly practices, join us in shaping a greener, more productive future for dairy farming.
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Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier 300 cows, France

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier

“After the installation of the GEA Feeding Robot, milk production jumped from 28 to 36 liters per cow per day. There is no longer competition at the feeding table between the cows, even heifers have easy access to fresh feed and the opportunity to prepare them to express their full milk production potential."

Clémence Poussier & Luc Poussier 300 cows, France

Johannes Nickel, Germany

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Johannes Nickel

“I used to spend a lot of time feeding my cows, but now, with the F4500, this has become much easier. I can offer specific rations for 4 different groups from calves to cows with a minimal investment of time. Milk production has increased by more than 2 liters per cow per day since we switched to automated feeding."

Johannes Nickel, Germany

Theo van der Zwaag 180 cows, The Netherlands

Farmers Quote

Feeding Robot – Theo van der Zwaag

“Since we started feeding with the F4500, we have noticed that feed intake has increased and there´s been a reduction of more than 5 % in concentrate consumption. The reports are very useful and we´ve achieve a significant increase in animal health and milk production.”

Theo van der Zwaag 180 cows, The Netherlands


Experience GEA's farming solutions in the virtual FarmTour

Dairy Farming Insights

GEA Dairy Farming Insights

Dairy Farming Insights podcast

Tune in to GEA Dairy Farming Insights - the infotainment podcast for the dairy farming network!

Whether you are experienced farmer, just starting out or interested in the world of dairy, join us as we explore the ever-evolving field of farming and tell stories of success, challenges and innovation. We will be talking about modern and future oriented milk production, based on our Next Generation Farming pillars: animal welfare, flexibility and sustainability for the better.

Join our cowmunity that takes you on a journey through the vastness of milk production - your source of knowledge and inspiration in every episode!

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Cooking show for dairy cows - 33 years Campaign

Cooking Show for Dairy Cows - Episode 2

GEA DairyFeed F4500 animation



