Catalytic gas cleaning

Catalytic ceramic candle filter (BisCat)

Hot gas filtration with ceramic candles. A multifunctional filter for the simultaneous removal of particulate, acid gases and NOx from flue gases.

BisCat ceramic filters with an embedded catalyst matrix allow the removal of particulates, acidic gases, dioxins, mercury, VOC and NOx. The filter elements are chemically inert and corrosion resistant.

Gas cleaning in one step. In addition to treating particulate and acidic gases like in a conventional candle filter, the BisCat ceramic catalyst filters are enriched with a catalyst, providing effective NOx removal by using upfront ammonia injection and replacing a conventional selective catalyst reactor (SCR).

The BisCat filter solution is combining three process steps in one unit for advanced emission control:

  • Dedusting
  • Removal of acid components
  • Reducing unburned hydrocarbon (THC) and NOx

The ceramic filter elements show very low dust emissions (< 2 mg/Nm3) and are thermally stable under high operating temperatures. No cooling of flue gases are required and no thermal heat energy is wasted when implementing them. 

Filter elements are cleaned online during operation through separate, compressed air jet pulses. The filter elements are placed in a single or multi-compartment housing to handle large volumetric flow rates. This construction technique allows for maintenance of a single module while others continue to operate, without interrupting the process altogether.

The injection of lime-based reagents allows for control of inorganic gaseous emissions like HF, HCl, and SOx. The rigid candle structure enables surface filtration and forms a first layer of reactive dust for absorption processes.

Main Benefits

  • Low differential pressure
  • Dust monitoring system (Broken Bag Detector) allows for safe
  • operation with almost zero dust emission
  • Low a/c ratio allows n-1 operation for longer periods
  • Baffle plates protect candles from direct gas flow intake in raw gas compartment
  • Clean gas dampers are designed for low differential pressure
  • Short candle installation sequence, due to easy and fast candle piece assembly 
  • Penthouse equipped with lifting devices to handle candles and clean gas compartment covers
  • Long service lifetime

رؤى GEA

تأمين سلسلة تبريد معتمدة للمستقبل من خلال التبريد المستدام

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تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على اتصال مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

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