Pharmaceutical R&D Technology

AirConnect Fluid Bed Processor & Coater

Building on the success of the well-established PharmaConnect® system, GEA now offers a new range of modular fluidized bed technologies: AirConnect.

AirConnect™ Modular Fluidized Bed
Committed to providing flexible, modular equipment to support research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, the multipurpose AirConnect from GEA delivers a range of fluid bed processing solutions for small-scale applications. A service unit provides the main air treatment and control facilities, with exchangeable modules delivering an array of processing options, including fluid bed drying, granulation and both pellet and tablet coating.
AirConnect™ Fluid Bed Processor & Coater

Based on the outstanding success of PharmaConnect®, the AirConnect has been developed by GEA to meet the pharmaceutical industry's requirements for unit operation flexibility and is based on the proven principle that a single core component can be used for numerous processes by interchanging a range of application-specific modules.

Designed to utilize the company’s market-leading fluidized bed technology, and capable of running batches from as little as 200 g to more than 10 kg, the AirConnect not only performs fluid bed drying, but, when combined with the class-leading Flexstream device, can also be used for side-spray granulation and coating. More conventional top spray granulation processes are also possible and, in addition, the AirConnect can be integrated with GEA’s Precision-Coater for bottom spray micro-pellet coating.

Furthermore, AirConnect is also designed to work with GEA’s ConsiGma® continuous coater and FlexCoater technologies, offering rapid, high quality tablet coating functionality.

The AirConnect from GEA is the ultimate fluid bed processor for small-scale research and production applications. Suitable for granulating, drying and coating, the AirConnect accelerates and optimises product development by minimizing the amount of scale-up required to move from R&D-level batch processing to full-scale continuous production systems.

رؤى GEA

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