La ventaja decisiva del compensador de expansión VARICOMP® es su diseño sin bolsas de aire con características de drenaje – una característica indispensable para una limpieza óptima con el método CIP/SIP.

GEA Insights

biopharma industry

Perfusion separators speed up biopharma processes

Small biopharma manufacturing outfits are often the driving force behind the proliferation of innovative medical treatments. GEA is revolutionizing cell harvesting capabilities for these manufacturers with perfusion separators...

A bowl of pasta with cultivated meat

GEA brings alternative protein expertise to U.S.

A new GEA technology center for developing alternatives to meat, dairy, seafood and eggs in Wisconsin, will help accelerate novel food production in the U.S. market

A group of people enjoying a beer

GEA celebrates 150 years of industry leadership in brewing

Explore innovation, sustainability and history in 150 years of brewing technology at GEA

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