Secador por atomización

Torre de atomización MSD®

La torre de atomización MSD® es la opción preferida para muchos productos lácteos, como leche en polvo y fórmulas nutricionales, para las que hay una gran demanda de productos en polvo uniforme, grueso, aglomerado, suelto y exento de finos.

MSD spray dryer
La torre de atomización MSD®, especialmente diseñada para cumplir los requisitos de la industria láctea, incorpora la tecnología más reciente de secado por atomización y procesado de productos lácteos. Reconocida por su alta eficiencia y su diseño higiénico documentado, la torre de atomización MSD® define la referencia en cuanto a polvo lácteo aglomerado desde su lanzamiento al mercado; desde entonces, mantiene una posición prominente en la industria láctea.

Proceso de secado

GEA Niro MSD agglomerated powder, dairy

La torre de atomización MSD® es una unidad multietapa que combina una tecnología de secado por atomización y de lechos fluidizados con un proceso de secado de tres fases, con el fin de garantizar la máxima eficiencia de secado y calidad del producto.

Un juego de boquillas atomiza el concentrado y lo introduce en la cámara de secado. El aire de secado entra verticalmente y a gran velocidad por el dispersor de aire para garantizar una mezcla óptima con el concentrado atomizado. En esta fase, la evaporación tiene lugar de forma instantánea mientras las pequeñas gotas de agua pasan por la cámara de secado. La cámara de secado y el flujo de aire se han diseñado para evitar que las partículas se adhieran a las paredes de la cámara de secado, permitiendo llevarlas directamente al lecho fluidizado integrado en la parte inferior de la cámara, para la segunda fase del secado. Por último, el polvo se lleva a un lecho fluidizado VIBRO-FLUIDIZER® para el proceso de secado y enfriamiento final.

The drying air leaves the chamber at the top allowing for a very well defined secondary agglomeration when the fine particles in the drying air collide with the spray from the nozzles. The exhaust air passes through a SANICIP™ Bag Filter that separate out the remaining particles contained in the air. The fines discharged from the Bag Filter are returned to the drying chamber - either to the static fluid bed or to the nozzles depending on the agglomeration in demand. If a non-agglomerated powder is required, the fines are led directly to the VIBRO-FLUIDIZER® Fluid Bed.

MSD® plant upgrades

We want all of our customers to get great results from their GEA spray dryer, from day one, and also for the lifespan of their plant. We’re always striving to develop new technologies that can improve your plant’s productivity, safety and efficiency, as well as support process sustainability goals.

Hygiene and safety, 24/7 

The MSD® spray dryer is hygienic by design to meet the most stringent regulatory requirements for safe, sanitary dairy processing. You’ll also find user-friendly features for easy equipment inspection and maintenance. Equipment safety and operational health and safety are key factors in the design of all GEA spray dryer components, plants and process lines. Key technologies, including our SPRAYEYE®, Clean Purge, DRIVENT®, COTECTOR® and fire safety systems are all designed to give you confidence in the safety of your MSD® spray dryer plant, monitoring for fire and explosion risks, while supporting 24/7 production.

All MSD® systems are supplied with automated clean-in-place (CIP) units, reducing the need for manual cleaning tasks. CIP can potentially reduce water and chemicals use, and so cut wastewater volume and associated treatment.

A focus on efficiency and quality

MSD® spray dryer efficiency and quality is further enhanced thanks to our Clean Purge and CEE cyclone technologies integrated into the plant. We’ve shown that compared with other air dispersers, the GEA DDD® air disperser provides best-in-class distribution of the drying air. Benefits include a more uniform product and longer production runs between scheduled cleaning stops, which can lead to improved equipment performance overall.

Our SANICIP® II bag filter and the No Intervention Fines Return System (NIFRS) further help to reduce product loss and can lead to real improvements in productivity and final powder quality.

Focus on process stability and sustainability

The MSD® spray dryer can be combined with key GEA innovations that could significantly improve your process sustainability. Take a look at our digital GEA OptiPartner advanced process control platform, heat recovery systems and energy-saving AddCool® heat pump technology, which in combination can dramatically improve process stability and energy efficiency. Just talk to your local GEA representative to find out more.

Thorough testing before investing

We want you to be confident that our technologies will deliver on your expectations. At our test center of excellence in Soeborg, Denmark, you can trial your processes on MSD® equipment, and get expert help from GEA spray drying specialists who will work with you to refine and optimize processes and address any concerns and questions, before you invest. You can also see the latest GEA innovations in action, and evaluate the best options for your plant, not just for today, but with a view to your continued growth and expansion.

GEA OptiPartner process optimization

GEA OptiPartner

OptiPartner's integration of advanced algorithms and human expertise has led to remarkable results, including up to an 80% stability boost, 10% production increase, and 10% reductions in energy consumption.

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