Protecting Seas & Oceans

Water treatment in exhaust gas recirculation

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) technology has proven to be a highly effective method of reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions on marine vessels, ensuring compliance with stringent environmental regulations.
GEA provides solutions for the treatment of EGR bleed-off water before it is discharged overboard.

marine vessel

Reducing ship emissions for a cleaner future

The combustion of fossil fuels on ships not only generates power but also releases harmful emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and soot. These pollutants contribute to environmental issues such as global warming, smog, acid rain and increased levels of fine particles. The impacts have far-reaching consequences for our planet and health.

To combat this, international regulations like IMO Tier II and Tier III have been implemented to control NOx emissions from ships operating on different fuel types. Ships operating outside and inside NOx emission control areas must adhere to specific NOx limits, especially when using low-sulfur (<0.1%) and high-sulfur (>0.5%) fuels.

NOx reduction by exhaust gas recirculation

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) effectively reduces NOx emissions and ensures compliance with IMO Tier III regulations for both diesel and gas operations. Engine manufacturers have developed engines equipped with EGR systems to accommodate a range of fuels, including heavy fuel oil (HFO), low-sulfur fuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and even methanol to meet IMO requirements.

Challenges of EGR process water

The EGR process generates a byproduct: bleed-off water that requires treatment to meet stringent standards. This water must be treated to less than 15 PPM, which aligns with the requirement for bilge water.
Understanding the challenges faced by shipowners in meeting these water treatment requirements, GEA offers two innovative solutions: the GEA NOx Separator and the GEA bilgEGR Solution

At GEA, we are committed to offering sustainable solutions that enable shipowners to navigate the waters with confidence, knowing that they are meeting regulatory standards and actively contributing to a cleaner maritime sector.

Together, we can drive the maritime sector towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

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