Aufbereitungssysteme für Heizöl/Kraftstoffe

Efficient operation of ship and power station diesel engines requires optimum fuel supply. This key condition is accomplished by the ViscoBoosterUnits for fuel treatment.

This unit consists of a treatment system that meets the fuel requirements, in terms of the required injection viscosity and temperature, between the clean oil tank and injection system for the main and auxiliary engines. The purpose-built booster pumps provide for the necessary system pressure. The modules are designed to the different engine consumption levels depending on their power ratings, as well as the injection viscosity (approx. 10-24 cSt) and corresponding injection temperatures (approx. 120-150 °C). 

Fulfills all requirements

Depending on the engine manufacturer, different variants are required for the integration of ViscoBoosterUnits. GEA has responded by offering a variety of system solutions. Whether with our without stand-by function for feeder pumps, booster pumps and heavy fuel oil preheaters, or for one or more engines - you will always find a solution that meets your needs and expectations.

All systems are compact, lightweight, reliable, easy to install and simple to maintain with all main components operating at optimum performance.

Approved by all major classification societies.

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