
Delve inside GEA sweets technology at ProSweets

21 Nov 2018

From January 27 - 30, technology group GEA will offer customers and interested parties in-depth insights into its efficient industrial solutions and machine technology for the confectionery, snack and bakery industries at its ProSweets 2019 booth (Hall 10.1 / G-061) in Cologne.

GEA at ProSweets 2019

A look inside the machines, discussions with technology experts and live machine demonstrations with a focus on the unique features of GEA plant technology are planned. Product highlights include the recently launched GEA SmartPacker CX250-S, a vertical form-fill-seal packaging system (VFFS) for high-speed packing of confectionery, snacks and nuts and the GEA Aquarius TwistWrapper for lollipops with its unique OverlapSeal option. This easy to open option provides unique added value to lollipop packaging.

GEA will also highlight its innovative process and technology solutions for the bakery segment by   showcasing a range of delicious bakery products produced by GEA equipment onsite at its ProSweets booth. GEA combines its proprietary technologies and full line integration capabilities to provide turnkey systems for a wide range of products from a single source.

GEA SmartPacker CX250-S

GEA SmartPacker CX250-S 包装机

The new vertical bagger from GEA builds on the success of its predecessors and integrates new technologies, which makes it quicker and easier to use while providing increased production efficiency and improved bag quality. The jaws of the GEA SmartPacker operate with an impressively high seal force – almost twice as high as the previous model – to enable gas-tight bags across a greater range of film materials. This gives manufacturers more flexibility, can help reduce film costs and ultimately improve the total cost of ownership (TCO). The new sealing jaws also create more accurate and stable longitudinal and cross seals for improved pack quality and presentation. 

The proven low-drop design between weigher and jaw-head enables compact and high-speed filling and reduces the chance of damage to brittle products such as hard candy or crackers. Likewise, the improved product-in-seal detection function helps facilitate uninterrupted production even if the product accidentally fouls the seal area. If this happens, the detection function automatically creates a double-bag to deter contamination or damage to the sealing jaws or knife, ensuring that the process continues. This means practically no downtime as well as minimal product and film waste.

The new CX250-S produces pillow bags between 70–250 mm wide and up to 0,3 kg in weight and can run up to 250 bags per minute depending on specifications. It is exceptionally reliable, delivering operational uptime of more than 98%. 

GEA Aquarius TwistWrapper

GEA Aquarius TwistWrapper

GEA Aquarius TwistWrapper

This wrapping machine is widely recognized for its high output, quality and appealing wrapping. Created with the needs of wholesalers and retailers in mind, the OverlapSeal option was developed especially for the TwistWrapper. This hermetically sealed twist wrap style considerably extends the shelf life of lollipops, particularly in areas with high atmospheric humidity, with the machine achieving high speed due to smooth film handling, precise cutting and automatic feeding. With the tear slit, the OverlapSeal double-twist is extremely easy to open. The machine also uses less wrapping film during production when compared to other wrapping techniques. 

“Twist-wrapped lollipops give producers the opportunity to offer consumers another look and increase shelf appeal on the retail floor. Products attract more attention and can even make the lollipop look larger,” says Kees le Loux, GEA Segment Sales Manager Confectionery. The standard TwistWrapper 600 with OverlapSeal handles lollipop diameters from 18 to 30 mm and accommodates film reels up to 420 mm in diameter. The minimum wrapping speed is based on 600 lollipops per minute. 

GEA at proSweets: Hall 10.1, Booth G-061

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GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

About GEA

GEA 是食品加工行业及众多工业领域的领先供应商之一,2019 年的销售总额约达 49 亿欧元。

作为国际技术集团,我们专注于机械制造,生产运营,工艺技术及其设备组件。 GEA 为各种终端用户市场的复杂生产流程提供可持续的能源解决方案,并提供全面的服务组合。集团在长期持续增长的食品和饮料行业的收入约占其总收入的 70%。截至 2018 年 12 月 31 日,集团的全球员工已超过 18,500 人。GEA 在其业务领域中是市场和技术领导者。GEA 是德国 MDAX 上市公司(G1A,WKN 660 200),拥有 STOXX® Europe 600 指数和优选的 MSCI 全球可持续发展指数。
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