

Pre gassing system
生产高质量粉状乳制品依赖于经过验证的安全工艺以及可靠、卫生的零部件和设备。作为该行业的技术合作伙伴,GEA 拥有数十年的经验,目前是全球可以加工奶粉产品的全面集成式工厂的最大供应商之一。每天,在世界各地有数百万升牛奶被 GEA 配置和安装的车间加工成奶粉产品。
  • 全脂奶粉


  • 脱脂奶粉


  • 加脂奶粉


  • 酪乳粉


  • 咖啡和茶伴侣


GEA 非常清楚生产流动通畅、稳定且可溶的奶粉依赖于每个阶段的精细控制、精密加工。我们提供最先进的设备、点到点生产线和控制系统,可以自动化和优化您的整个过程,从牛奶处理和原料配量到正确标准化、混合和喷雾干燥参数的选择。我们会细致考虑每个细节,并提供快速、节约资源的原位清洗车间,这意味着缩短人工清洁所需的时间,并减少水和化学品的使用。 

我们的工艺系统可确保您的产品保持最大的营养价值和关键的功能特性,如结块和稳定性。与 GEA 合作,您可以确信您的车间将通过关键成分提供最大的生产率,减少瓶颈、延迟和浪费。 


GEA 具有得天独厚的优势,可提供适用于奶粉产品的点到点工艺技术和解决方案。



GEA 提供各种高、低自动化选项,可配置以帮助确保实现最佳的车间性能、安全性和效率。更进一步,GEA 还开发了 GEA Cube® 软件模块,提供更高水平的车间监督和控制,因此您可以保证每个加工阶段的完全透明。 

例如 GEA Cube® 可追溯性模块在整个加工过程和成品中提供完整的原材料和成分审计追踪。完全透明的特点满足了法规、商业和消费者对成分和成品可追溯性的要求。 

GEA Cube® 软件模块帮助我们的客户实现更高的产品质量和更有效的资源和设备使用率,这意味着成本更低、利润更高。 


新产品开发涉及投入大量的时间、专业知识、资源和设备。GEA 建立了专门的测试中心,通过提供包括分离、配方、混合、蒸发和干燥在内的关键技术,帮助缓解新产品和工艺开发的压力。请单击此处的“测试中心”选项卡,了解有关我们乳制品测试中心的更多信息。


GEA 与行业密切合作,寻找节约能源和资源以及改善环境可持续性的新机会。我们开发了通用技术,包括热泵和关键工艺冷却系统,旨在最大限度地降低能源和水的使用量、减少浪费,并尽可能回收利用。GEA 提供的某些最大型的奶粉车间有一个特色,可将蒸发过程中提取出的水进行过滤,并在车间的其他用途中循环使用。


GEA 技术旨在满足最新的食品卫生、质量和安全标准。我们的耐用、易维护车间可使用 CIP(原位清洗)系统进行彻底和有效的清洗,可以节省水和洗涤剂的使用量和成本。自动清洗可以腾出人手来执行其他关键任务,并可加快清洁周期。综合效益包括提高生产率和减少延迟。减少停机时间意味着提高车间利用率,从而提高投资回报率并降低总拥有成本。


与 GEA 合作意味着与专业的服务专家团队合作。我们致力于在车间及其设备的整个生命周期内建立、维护和改善您的绩效。


Process line for milk powder

离心分离机 - 适用于牛奶或乳清分离的 MSI 系列

Raw milk, vegetable oils and other liquid ingredients such as whey-based products are stored and are gently and hygienically handled on being received into the plant. Ahead of further formulation, raw milk typically undergoes cream separation with optional subsequent standardization. Besides the continuous control of the standardized milk fat content, the automatic standardization units can also provide a continuous control of the cream fat content and a proportional dosing of additives.

Pasteurizier for milk powder

GEA provides a range of technologies to reduce or remove bacteria and spores from liquid ingredients, ensuring sensitive products remain undamaged and the highest levels of microbiological safety are achieved. Pasteurization as traditional heat treatment reduces bacteria and spores, whereas bacteria removal separators and microfiltration remove them.


The HYGiTip is a core element in our complete bag handling and emptying solution. When configured with de-palletizing/outer stripping, sterilization, powder handling, dust collection and waste management, plant operators are able to let this automated solution run continuously with minimal supervision, increasing OEE and enabling personnel to concentrate on other value-added tasks. A typical plant solution may include: de-palletizing, outer bag removal, UV sterilization, automatic bag emptying, powder handling and waste removal.


The addition of Lactose is typically achieved via a standard funnel mixer, following which the product is passed through a holding tube to ensure it is fully dissolved. The mix is then regeneratively cooled before being chilled to <8°C and finally sent to storage. To achieve decoupling of lactose tipping and dosing operations, storage tanks are carefully sized. As an alternative, lactose powder can be dissolved directly into the milk at the standardized milk storage tanks. This process is similar to that employed when the powder is dissolved into water or inline using a vacuum mixer.


As an option, the skimmed milk can be pre-concentrated by RO. The degree of concentration depends on the heat treatment required and end-product characteristics, and must therefore be considered on a specific project basis. The process will run cold at 5-8 °C for up to 20 hours between CIP.


Further heat treatment is applied to the formulated product on the evaporator using a number of different solutions to ensure both stability and microbiological safety. Our low thermophile system, UHT technology, direct steam injection and steam infusion technologies are examples thereof. The product is then further concentrated ahead of being dried using a falling-film evaporator.

Ariete 均质机 5400

In dairy applications it is common for high pressure homogenizers to be used. This is due to their ability to apply dynamic high-pressure energy to break particles in the fluid down to the smallest, potentially nanometer-scale size. As a result of this high pressure homogenization process, an emulsion is created that is stable when the mix is concentrated, dried, packed and resolubilized by the end customer.

MSD spray dryer

For the final removal of moisture to produce a dried powder, a GEA MSD® Spray Dryer is recommended for milk powder. The resulting spray drying process produces consistent, precisely defined functional powders with uniform bulk density and robust agglomerates and that are readily re-dissolved in water. The MSD® benefits from a new CEE cyclone design, which allows customers to maximize fines recovery while minimizing smearing and energy use. Our fines system requires zero intervention and allows fully automated CIP, reducing the risk of contamination and ensuring less downtime on the dryer.


Using a GEA Scan-Vibro vibrating screen the dried powder is sifted to remove oversized particles before being gently conveyed to storage using either dense phase conveying or gravity to minimize breakdown of the powder. To minimize interstitial air the powder is drawn under vacuum and is flushed with nitrogen before packing. The result is a powder that has an enhanced shelf life due to its very low residual oxygen content.

GEA Filling RBF-800

For Modified Atmosphere Packing (MAP) into 25kg bags or bulk containers, GEA offer a range of powder filling solutions. To improve overall operational efficiency whilst reducing labor demand, GEA 25kg Limited Intervention (Li) filling machines feature fully automated bag handling. For customers that require a turnkey solution, manual or automated palletizing options are also available for integration.


GEA in-house experts have extensive experience of integrating smart cooling & heating solutions into the complete milk powder process. Customers benefit from lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs, increased sustainability and reduced carbon footprint, in addition to having full confidence in GEA as a trusted partner.


To ensure optimum efficiency and performance, GEA technologies can be configured with full automation. For example, the GEA Codex® solution delivers full and transparent traceability of both raw material and ingredients throughout the entire process and into the final product.

GEA OptiPartner 工艺优化

GEA OptiPartner

GEA OptiPartner combines GEA’s process know-how with operational expertise to optimize the productivity of spray drying plants for powder production.
Danone Nutricia plant at Cuijk, in the Netherlands

Customer case

Delivering solutions for sustainable baby formula manufacturing at Danone

来自荷兰克伊克/Haps 的达能 Nutricia 营养配方奶粉生产厂的视频,以及来自我们的 Niro MSD 喷雾干燥器、MVR 蒸发器和 Ariete 均质机的漂亮证书和图像。
optipartner facility

Customer case

GEA OptiPartner improves DMK-Zeven plant

了解 GEA OptiPartner 如何改进 DMK-Zeven 工厂的先进工艺控制,该工厂是该国领先的奶粉乳制品生产商之一,充分展现了以 GEA 服务的形式提供的工艺优化的优势。


GEA SaniX concentrate heater

GEA OptiPartner Performance Care

Implementation of GEA OptiPartner

GEA 洞察

Lemgo plant building


Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.


CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

GEA 的解冻解决方案在智利的 CIAL 取得成功

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