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GEA Blu chiller and GEA Red heat pump combined in one smart product: The new GEA Blu-Red Fusion

14 Oct 2020

GEA has launched an innovation that combines the successful GEA Blu chillers and GEA Red heat pumps in a single product.

The new GEA Blu-Red Fusion is a combination of a GEA BluAstrum or GEA BluGenium chiller (low stage) with a GEA RedAstrum or GEA RedGenium heat pump (high stage). (Photo: GEA)

The new GEA Blu-Red Fusion is a combination of a GEA BluAstrum or GEA BluGenium chiller (low stage) with a GEA RedAstrum or GEA RedGenium heat pump (high stage). (Photo: GEA)

The new GEA Blu-Red Fusion is a combination of a GEA BluAstrum or GEA BluGenium chiller (low stage) with a GEA RedAstrum or GEA RedGenium heat pump (high stage). It is particularly suited for combined cooling/refrigeration and heating demands at low heat source temperature levels and high temperature lifts between heat source and heat sink.

GEA Blu-Red Fusion models are based on the existing Blu chiller and Red heat pump family, which are configured and combined according to manual selection or depending on the capacity, heat source and heat sink temperature requirements. Heat source outlet temperatures are supplied between +15 and -15°C while the maximum supply temperatures at the hot side reach up to +70°C (reciprocating compressor-based heat pump stage with GEA RedGenium); and up to +80°C (screws compressor based heat pump stage with GEA RedAstrum). Cooling capacities range from approx. 300 to 1,800 kW with heating capacities of approx. 450 to over 2,400 kW (sec. refrigerant at +12/+6°C, heat carrier at +50/+70°C).

Complete, efficiency-optimized configuration minimizes total costs and CO₂ emissions

The intermediate stage is equipped with one single, efficient ammonia-ammonia ’cascade’ heat exchanger. Not only does the design drastically reduce the capital investment, it also makes an intermediate liquid cycle redundant which reduces the differential pressure of both stages and does not waste power on glycol or water pumps. The efficiency benefit easily reaches 10% and more. This means a dramatic reduction of energy costs and CO2 emissions.

GEA Blu-Red Fusion relies on well-proven and tested equipment

GEA is a pioneer and market leader in compressor technology, refrigeration and heating solutions particularly those using NH3. The modern, streamlined GEA Blu chillers have been on the market for over ten years and are running successfully. GEA also has nearly 20 years of heat pump experience. All this knowledge came together with the development of standard GEA Red heat pumps and their successful launch a few years ago. Thanks to its modular set-up, GEA Blu-Red Fusion relies on the proven Blu and Red technology that provides an efficient, risk-free plug-and-play solution for any combined cooling/refrigeration and heating requirement.

Sustainability is an investment in the future

Environmental protection and sustainable plants are important concerns for both, GEA and its customers. GEA’s efficient ammonia heat pumps make a fundamental contribution to a future-proof installation, reducing Total Costs of Ownership (TCO) and CO2 emissions.

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