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GEA wins the Dairy Technology Award 2018

07 Mar 2018

The Dairy Technology Award, presented by the trade magazines molkerei-industrie and International Dairy Magazine (both part of B&L MedienGesellschaft) and the Association of Ahlem Engineers, once again goes to GEA in 2018. This award honors the newly developed system for the preparation and addition of tempered process water for the food industry, which has already been successfully commissioned at a cheese dairy.

GEA wins the Dairy Technology Award 2018

The addition of tempered water plays a crucial role in many processes in the food industry, for example in the production of a wide variety of cheeses. Used as wash water, it has a significant influence on the quality of the cheese, as rinse water it is used in automated systems to significantly reduce phage risk. The new system, developed by Joachim Löw, Milk and Cheese Processing Technologist at GEA, convinced the jury with maximum product safety, a high degree of standardization with maximum flexibility and low operating costs. The system naturally incorporates complete production data logging, the monitoring of all relevant parameters as well as the connection to a dynamic recipe. 

The Dairy Technology Award

The award, which was presented for the first time in 2009, honors the successful implementation of technical innovations in the dairy and food industry. Eligible for the award are processes, plant parts, complete production units or relevant solutions that have clear advantages for the industry as a whole or that represent technological progress. The assessment of the applications and the selection of the winners are carried out by a jury of renowned experts. 

GEA is once again among the award winners in 2018. GEA's 'Provident Flow Analysis' system, which can be used to react to disruptions and delays in complex, interconnected process chains at an early stage, as well as the hygienic GEA decanters of the ecoforce series were awarded in 2015. In 2012, GEA was awarded the trophy for the development of a dynamic recipe control, which provides recipe parameters beyond delivery limits to a wide variety of participants in the process chain - at the right time and in the correct sequence, as well as for the GEA prolong, a separation process for double sterilization which extends the shelf life of drinking milk.

“GEA develops customized solutions for our customers in order to meet the increasing demands in terms of quality, safety, standardization, flexibility and cost reduction. We are very pleased to once again receive the Dairy Technology Award, because it reiterates the innovative strength of our development work” says Niels Erik Olsen, executive board member of the GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft and responsible for Business Area Solutions.

The award ceremony will take place on March 21, 2018 as part of Anuga FoodTec in Cologne.

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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GEA, 2019 yılında 4,9 milyar EUR konsolide geliri ile gıda işleme endüstrisi ve diğer birçok endüstri için en büyük tedarikçilerden birisidir.

Uluslararası teknoloji grubu, proses teknolojisi ve bileşenlerinin yanı sıra makine ve tesisler konusunda uzmandır. GEA, çeşitli son-kullanıcı pazarlarında sofistike üretim proseslerine yönelik sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri sağlamakta ve kapsamlı bir hizmet portföyü sunmaktadır. Grup, gelirinin yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini gıda ve içecek sektöründen elde etmekte olup uzun-vadeli sürdürülebilir bir büyüme göstermektedir. 31 Aralık 2018 itibariyle, şirketin dünya genelinde yaklaşık 18,500 çalışanı bulunmaktadır. GEA, faaliyet alanlarında bir pazar ve teknoloji lideridir. Şirket, Alman MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), STOXX® Europe 600 Endeksinde ve seçkin MSCI Küresel Sürdürülebilir Endeksinde yer almaktadır.
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