Kurumsal basın bülteni

Helmut Korthöber named Chief Service Officer of GEA Farm Technologies division

07 Nov 2019

The new three-member Management Board of the GEA Farm Technologies division have all officially been appointed: Peter Lauwers will transfer from Atlas Copco to GEA on February 1, 2020, and assume the position of CEO. He will be joined by Helmut Korthöber, who assumed the newly created position of Chief Service Officer (CSO) for GEA Farm Technologies division as of November 1, 2019. Erkul Basaran, who has worked successfully for GEA for more than eight years – most recently as Head of Finance – was appointed CFO of the division already in September of this year.

Management Board of newly organized division soon to have three members

Helmut Korthöber, Chief Service Officer (CSO), GEA Farm Technologies division

Helmut Korthöber, Chief Service Officer (CSO), GEA Farm Technologies division

The new GEA divisional structure, which has been introduced gradually since October 1, will take effect officially on January 1, 2020. Each of the five divisions will be led by a Management Board consisting of a CEO, a CFO and a CSO. The creation of the CSO function for each division underlines GEA’s commitment to customers and their service needs, with the service business contributing roughly 31 percent to GEA’s overall sales in 2018.

The 51-year-old Korthöber who is married and has three children, studied at the University of Kiel where he graduated with a degree in agricultural engineering in economics and social sciences. Korthöber comes from the globally active agricultural machinery manufacturer John Deere, where he held various sales positions beginning in 1997, and most recently Director Marketing and Strategic Planning since 2014, gaining extensive sales management experience in various European countries. 

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GEA, 2019 yılında 4,9 milyar EUR konsolide geliri ile gıda işleme endüstrisi ve diğer birçok endüstri için en büyük tedarikçilerden birisidir.

Uluslararası teknoloji grubu, proses teknolojisi ve bileşenlerinin yanı sıra makine ve tesisler konusunda uzmandır. GEA, çeşitli son-kullanıcı pazarlarında sofistike üretim proseslerine yönelik sürdürülebilir enerji çözümleri sağlamakta ve kapsamlı bir hizmet portföyü sunmaktadır. Grup, gelirinin yaklaşık yüzde 70’ini gıda ve içecek sektöründen elde etmekte olup uzun-vadeli sürdürülebilir bir büyüme göstermektedir. 31 Aralık 2018 itibariyle, şirketin dünya genelinde yaklaşık 18,500 çalışanı bulunmaktadır. GEA, faaliyet alanlarında bir pazar ve teknoloji lideridir. Şirket, Alman MDAX (G1A, WKN 660 200), STOXX® Europe 600 Endeksinde ve seçkin MSCI Küresel Sürdürülebilir Endeksinde yer almaktadır.
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