Homogenizers - Laboratory

Homogenizers Pilot Plant

Pilot plant homogenizers are designed for continuous operation up to 1500 bar and limited productions easy plug & play installation, simple operation and quick maintenance.

Pilot plant high pressure homogenizers can operate up to 1500 bar, even with limited sample volumes and achieves the same results as bigger size machines

Lab Testing to Industrial Production gets Easier

Pony NS2006L and Panther NS3006L models are standalone fully equipped laboratory units for food & beverage, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, cosmetic, chemical testing or small scale production, featuring the performances of the industrial scale homogenizers.

Reimagine liquids

Переосмысление подхода к обработке жидкостей

It may surprise you how many products need homogenization in their manufacturing process to make them more compatible with your daily life. Stabilization and a longer shelf life have always been among the highest priorities in many different processing industries but, especially nowadays, as lifestyles continue to change rapidly, they are becoming more and more valued.

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Pilot Plant Homogenizers

ModelsMax PressureFlow Rate
GEA Lab Homogenizer Pony 2006

1200 bar

80 l/h
GEA Lab Homogenizer Pony 20061500 bar35 l/h
GEA Lab Homogenizer Panther 3006

1200 bar

120 l/h
GEA Lab Homogenizer Panther 30061500 bar50 l/h

Аналитика GEA

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Решение GEA для размораживания пользуется успехом на предприятии CIAL в Чили

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