Our Variable Retention Time Tunnel (GEA I-VRT) carton systems can simultaneously handle various product sizes and types with different chilling and freezing profiles. Optimally flexible, our GEA I-VRT fully integrates with your in-line process to support a wide range of freezing and chilling applications. Fully automated, the equipment handles products from your production room to the freezer or chiller to your palletizing area.

Our GEA I-VRT freezers and chillers beneficially enable:

  • Customizable retention time
  • Precise temperature control, optimizing product quality
  • Full inventory control
  • Cost-effective operations

Аналитика GEA

Lemgo plant building

Прошлое и будущее слились воедино в новаторском проекте централизованного теплоснабжения...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

Автоматизация приносит пользу коровам, людям и планете

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

Решение GEA для размораживания пользуется успехом на предприятии CIAL в Чили

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