Evaporation Technoloy


Concentrated food products need to be sterilized before they can be stored, packed or dried.

Direct steam sterilization
GEA has a wide range of experience in product sterilization by direct steam injection.

During the direct high-heating, steam is injected into the product by means of a DSI unit (DSI = direct steam injector). In this way, the product is suddenly heated and flashed against a low pressure after a very short holding period and in this way it is cooled again just as quickly.

This sterilization process shows significant advantages compared to an indirect high-heating by means of heat exchangers. In case of indirect high heating  the holding time at high temperatures is much longer.The short retension time and the possibility to treat high viscous products are the main advantages of this technology.

Insights da GEA

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.

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