Pharma Tablet Presses

Manual to automatic rotary tablet press for research, pilot-scale and full production, presses for normal, clean-room, contained and highly contained environments and presses for the production of single and bi-layer tablets.

GEA's strong drive to innovate and improve the compaction process is reflected in the unique design and patented features present throughout our rotary tablet press range.
Our R&D and engineering departments constantly focus on increasing the productivity and flexibility of our tablet presses, improving tablet quality and enhancing operator safety.

GEA Insights

Lemgo plant building

Pionierski projekt ciepłowniczy w historycznym Lemgo łączy przeszłość z przyszł...

Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.

Automatyzacja ma pozytywny wpływ na krowy, ludzi i planetę

CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

System rozmrażania GEA odniósł sukces w CIAL w Chile

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