
Separators for Power Plants

Centrifugal separators from GEA are used in power plants to treat fuel oils and lube oils for turbines and diesel engines. Precision separation is essential to the smooth operation of generators. The result is a reliable, cost-effective supply of energy and efficient use of natural resources. An uninterrupted power supply requires systems that operate trouble-free, efficiently and reliably in all load ranges.

Power plants in extremely cold regions are exposed to fundamentally different environmental conditions than those installed in red hot desert regions. These adverse conditions are made even more difficult, depending on the region, by an immense difference in the quality of the fuels fed into the gas turbines or diesel engines of the power plants. But the goal is the same for both extremes: the energy must flow.Round-the-clock. With no exceptions.

Power plant concepts are required which work trouble-free, efficiently and environmentally friendly in all load ranges. The continuous treatment of fuel and lube oils for turbines and diesel engines is the key to reliable power supply.

The conceptual design of the treatment systems is precision work which is optimally adapted to the com­position of the fuels and oils used. The separators, for example, separate trace elements from the fuels which can cause corrosion damage at high exhaust gas temperatures. The reliable fuel desalting and solids separation reduces the corrosion to a technically realizable minimum and ensures smooth operation. Water, abrasion and impurities can likewise negatively impact the life of the plant components. In severe cases, there is a risk of unscheduled downtime and high breakdown costs.

The treatment systems from GEA are designed to assure constantly high availability. In all these fields of application, the OSE separator generation is entering a new dimension. 

Safety in focus:

  • Fuel oil treatment for diesel engines and gas turbines 
  • Lube oil treatment
  • Treatment of oil-water-solids mixtures


Features & Benefits:

  • Hot separation
  • Highest g-force
  • Throughput capacities up to 80 m3 / h per separator
  • Maximum separating efficiency
  • Especially robust and durable
  • Highest economy throughout the entire life cycle
  • unitrolplus – sensor system for automatic monitoring and control
  • Reliable treatment of particularly heavy and severely contaminated fuels
  • Ideal also for unsupervised operation
  • Maximum operating reliability

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Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.




多数の国では、安全な水と衛生設備を確保することがいまだに課題となっています。汚れの混じった飲用水により病気になったり、毎日水を汲みに行くという役割を果たすため、学校に通うことができない子供たちが多数存在します。ドイツのハンブルクを拠点とする非営利団体Viva con Aguaと協力することで、GEAは一部のタンザニアの学校にきれいな水を供給する手助けをしています。


GEAは、「Engineering for a better world(エンジニアリングでより良い世界を)」という核となる使命を追求し、従業員がソリューションを再考し、分野を超えて協力し、世界中の産業に変革をもたらす瞬間に貢献する機会を提供する、選ばれる雇用主としての企業文化を築いています。

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