Extraction of suspensions with low solid contents

Clarifiers for Pharma Extraction

GEA clarifiers for pharma extraction are used in solid-liquid extraction processes with low solid contents (up to approx. 7 % by vol.).

GEA clarifiers for pharma extraction are designed in accordance to GMP requirements. Low shear forces are acting on the product by the patented hydrohermetic feed and precise systems for controlled partial ejections. The clarifiers are suitable for fully automatic cleaning-in-place (CIP).

GEA clarifiers cover all processes of liquid-solid extractions, whether in one or more stages on the co-current, counter-current and cross-current principles.Centrifugal extraction by GEA clarifiers bear the following advantages:

Reduced operating costs, low solvent requirement. Higher overall yield by short contact times. Reduced investment costs by high stage efficiency minimizing the number of stages. Optimum throughput capacity with minimum space requirement. Higher overall yield with a significant improvement in substance interchange between the phases by avoiding backmixing. Higher overall yield qualities. Higher process security and availability.

Centrifuge - Clarifier

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Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.

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多数の国では、安全な水と衛生設備を確保することがいまだに課題となっています。汚れの混じった飲用水により病気になったり、毎日水を汲みに行くという役割を果たすため、学校に通うことができない子供たちが多数存在します。ドイツのハンブルクを拠点とする非営利団体Viva con Aguaと協力することで、GEAは一部のタンザニアの学校にきれいな水を供給する手助けをしています。


GEAは、「Engineering for a better world(エンジニアリングでより良い世界を)」という核となる使命を追求し、従業員がソリューションを再考し、分野を超えて協力し、世界中の産業に変革をもたらす瞬間に貢献する機会を提供する、選ばれる雇用主としての企業文化を築いています。

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