
No more frost with new upgrade for GEA A-Tec spiral freezers

02 Jul 2019

The new GEA Static Pressure Control System (SPCS) is GEAs most recent service upgrade for older A-Tec spiral freezers. The simple upgrade instantly controls the air flow, reducing frost build-up which increases productivity and improves product quality. Saving time, energy, money and a four-month ROI are further advantages of the new SPCS.

A-Tec Spiral

All GEA A-Tec spiral freezers built before 2015 have a manually-operated air balance fan to control internal air flow in line with changing atmospheric conditions within the production hall.  A fan that is incorrectly set increases the risk of frost build-up, which leads to more defrost cycles, reduced productivity, an inconsistent product profile and higher production costs. GEA’s new SPCS is an upgrade for these A-Tec models which is in line with the latest spiral freezer control technology. The internal air flow of spiral freezers is automatically controlled and minimized, which dramatically reduces frosting around the air intake. Rather than relying on the operator’s judgement, the SPCS monitors atmospheric conditions automatically using a PLC algorithm and makes the necessary fine adjustments to the fan speed. This results in a more consistent product profile and less frost buildup at freezer openings. Fewer defrosting cycles means less downtime, which improves productivity. Finally, reduced operator involvement relieves personnel for other tasks within the plant.

Media Relations

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Peter-Müller-Str. 12




+49 211 9136-0

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