The missing piece in Thermoforming Packaging

GEA PowerHeat

Experience unmatched quality and efficiency in your Thermoforming Packaging process. With its ultrathin heating plate and individually controllable heating zones, the PowerHeat allows to quickly and evenly form packaging of consistent thickness, resulting in great quality. It boosts productivity by up to 10% and offers energy savings of up to 30%. The PowerHeat allows the use of recyclable mono-plastics and the potential to reduce plastic without compromising on packaging quality and functionality.

Unleash the power of precision heating

Both mono- and multilayer films demand a highly precise heating process, with a uniform temperature distribution across the entire heating plate. As part of GEA’s Thermoforming Packaging System, the PowerHeat controls the temperature in up to 12 different zones of the heating plate independently, ensuring each package is evenly formed.

  • Perfectly formed packaging 
  • Fit for mono- and multilayer packaging 
  • Up to 10% increased productivity 
  • Up to 30% energy savings

When working with mono-material films, a new challenge is added: an even narrower processing temperature is needed to maintain their integrity and reduce the risk of deformations, clouding, and holes. The PowerHeat’s fast reaction time and highly controlled process ensure that the temperature remains within the optimal range. This leads to better pack quality compared to thermoform mono-materials with standard heating systems.

Temperature control and faster heat-up for increased productivity

PowerHeat offers precise temperature control with a difference of just 1-2°C, preventing production delays caused by temperature overshoots with traditional heating systems. Besides, the minimal thermal mass of the thin heating plate enables a much faster heat up time. These result in a productivity boost of up to 10%.

PowerHeat: efficient and eco-friendly heating technology

Moreover, the thin heating plate reduces energy consumption by providing efficient heating that targets only the film, while minimizing the heat impact on other stations of the packaging process and on the production area. The minimal thermal impact reduces the need for cooling which leads to a reduction in carbon footprint and energy savings of up to 30%.

Une qualité de conditionnement hors pair grâce au GEA PowerHeat

GEA Insights

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