
فواصل لجبن دوبل كريم طازج

For the production of double cream fresh cheese from fat milk of 8 to 12 percent fat content. Driven by a frequency-controlled 3-phase AC motor without clutch via a flat belt.

This separator has been designed for the production of double cream fresh cheese from fat milk of 8 to 12 percent fat content. (The exact capacity is dependent on the parameters of raw and finished product.) The machine is driven by a frequency-controlled 3-phase AC motor without clutch via a flat belt. The self-cleaning bowl makes the machine suitable for fully automatic cleaning-in-place (CIP). Opening and closing of the bowl for discharging the solids takes place hydraulically using water. The product is fed into the machine through a closed-line system. Double centripetal pumps likewise discharge the heavy and light phases in a closed system.

All product-contacting parts are made of stainles steel.FDA approved materials are available for the seals.

The optional condition monitoring system permits permanent monitoring of bearing condition and smooth rotation as a basis for targeted pro-active maintenance.

Standard scope of delivery

  • 3-phase AC motor
  • Foundation frame
  • Basic spare parts
  • Special tools

Fresh Cheese Separator Selection KSE Series

سلسلة KSE لفاصل الجبن الطازج

سلسلة KSE لفاصل الجبن الطازج


جبن طازج مكشوف بتقنية الفصل من GEA

من خلال عملنا الرائد في تصميم أجهزة الطرد المركزي ومعالجات الإنتاج، قمنا بتوفير القدرة على الإنتاج بنطاق صناعي لمنتجات الألبان مثل الزبادي المصفى والكوارك والجبن الطازج. تضمن أجهزة الطرد المركزي الخاصة بنا إنتاجًا اقتصاديًا وفعالًا والوصول إلى منتج ذي مذاق وملمس ثابتين.

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