
Crude oil desalting

The operating costs and thus the profitability of a refinery depend on various factors, such as the reliability of the installations and the operating costs which are not directly related to the purchase of crude oil, e.g. the use of energy, the consumption of catalysts and the consumption of chemicals. In addition, the constant optimization of value creation plays a crucial role, i.e. which crude oil is processed and how.

In order to be able to influence all of these factors positively, it is extremely important that efficient and reliable crude oil desalting for the different crude oil deliveries takes place at the entry of the refinery.

GEA centrifuges can make a decisive contribution to the efficient and economical desalination of crude oil. This also includes the so-called “opportunity” crude oils such as heavy crude oil, tight oil and shale oil.

Crude oil treatment

GEA 原油处理系统 – 使用离心机脱水和脱盐

GEA 原油处理系统是模块化离心工艺生产线,用于在各种工艺设置中对原油进行高效脱水和脱盐。

GEA 洞察

Lemgo plant building


Theo van der Zwaag from the Netherlands stands in front of a GEA automated feeding robot.


CIAL Chile Employees stand in front of a line of defrosters from GEA.

GEA 的解冻解决方案在智利的 CIAL 取得成功

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