Product-specific testing at own labs

Biyokimyasallar için Separatörler

GEA separators for biochemicals stand for utmost security of the investment, products and processes. Pre-Testing and development at own labs is possible.

The self-cleaning GEA separators for biochemical ensure high product quality and yield. Pilot skids for easy scale up are available. Wide range of production machines in different sizes and models. According to model, the separators are designed to resist concentrated acids, high pressures and inflammable or even explosive substances.

The separation is fast and gently ensuring highest efficiency. With very precise ejection systems which ejects the solids from the separator bowl at operating speed for a fully continuous operation and short payback periods.In many application areas of the White Biotech, developments have only just begun. To secure your investment, GEA separators may be designed according to our customers’ needs after laboratory tests with the original products of the customer. 

Centrifuge - Clarifier

GEA İçgörüleri

Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.

How batch milking supports sustainable dairy farming

The latest evolution in automated milking introduces batch milking – a dairy farming practice where cows are milked in groups at fixed milking times, usually two or three times per day. The automation technology is helping to...

Hiç yoktan

Güvenli su ve sanitasyona erişim, birçok ülke için hala bir zorluktur. Kirli içme suyundan kaynaklanan hastalıklar ve gidip onu almak için yapılan günlük yürüyüşler, birçok çocuğun okula gidememesi anlamına gelmektedir. Hamburg...

GEA çalışanları - separasyon

Diğerlerinden ayrı

GEA santrifüjünün hikayesi, Franz Ramesohl ve Franz Schmidt’in patentli mekanik süt separatörlerinin üretime başladığı ve modern süt ürünleri işlemenin yolunu açtığı 1893 yılında başlar. Bu inovasyon, o zamanlar yaşadıkları büyük...

Haberleri GEA’dan alın

GEA haber bültenine abone olarak GEA yeniliklerinden ve hikayelerinden haberdar olun.

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