Bottle Fillers

Filler Fillstar LXi

Fillstar LXi filler fills both still and carbonated drinks providing excellent safety and hygiene for both still and carbonated liquids owing to its clean, hygienic design

The Fillstar LXi filler fills both still and carbonated drinks and maintains contact between the filling valve and the bottles. This allows even difficult products to be filled at ambient temperature without reducing speed.

Excellent safety, excellent dosing accuracy

The Fillstar LXi filler provides excellent safety and hygiene standards for both still and carbonated liquids.

The products are filled with contact between the filling valve and the bottle. The product inside the toroidal tank is pushed to the filling valves by an overpressure of inert gas. The Fillstar LXi filler also uses a magnetic flow meter to accurately control the dosing phase to meet each product’s requirements. Even difficult, foaming products - such as CSD - can be filled at ambient temperature with no loss of speed. This reduces the need for chilling so saves power consumption and costs. When filling still products the air return uses a dedicated separate channel.

Bottles are handled using the NeckFlex system that suspends bottles during the process and provides very quick changeover for any container with the same neck design.

Improved hygiene

The Fillstar LXi fillers have an automatic foaming system and a HEPA filter overpressure (available as an option) to maintain a high hygiene standard. All parts in contact with the product are made from Aisi 304 stainless steel. Separate glass guards ensure maximum accessibility for the operators. The machine has an open design, with no basement so is easy to access and maintain and does not allow the accumulation of stagnant product.

Dummy bottle insertion and extraction for closed-loop CIP are completely automatic.

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