GEA Fresh Milk Management System

The concept of Fresh Milk Management is based on the idea of automatically providing high quality milk to the calf directly from the milk separation area.

With the Automatic Milk Management, your milk is transported automatically from the milking robot or milking parlor to the calf barn via the Milk Collector. There, the Smart Tank cools down the fresh milk and provides it anytime to the calf feeder for the automatic preparation of portions. This leads to a safer and more flexible working process.

Benefits at a glance

  • Easy fresh milk feeding
  • No more buckets to carry
  • More flexible work processes and time savings
  • Optimized calf health through excellent hygiene processes
  • High milk quality

Milk Collector

The Milk Collector offers a fully automatic transport function to transport fresh milk over a longer distance to the next station. The Milk Collector has a capacity of 25 liters and can cover a transport distance of up to 100 meters. After each emptying sequence, the Milk Collector is automatically rinsed with water and cleaned with pulsating compressed air.

Smart Tank

The Smart Tank offers the optimum solution to maintain the quality of fresh milk while reducing working time. Thanks to the integrated cooling system, the fresh milk is stored at an optimum temperature. For the best possible hygiene, all milk-carrying components can be cleaned with detergents. The closed system and the cooling of the milk ensure that the quality of the fresh milk remains constant.

GEA Insights

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