Emission control


GEA´s economical solution for emission control in the chemical industry

Our gas cleaning plants are custom designed and optimized in cleaning efficiency and in cost effectiveness.

GEA's technology has proven itself in numerous of applications for emission control:

  • Removal of NOx and ammonia (NH3)
  • Removal of sulfur compounds (SO2, SO3, H2S)
  • Absorption of halogens (F2, Cl2, Br2, I2) and hydrogen halides (HF, HCl, HBr, HI)
  • Reduction of low molecular weight alcohols, carboxylic acids and amines and other hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)

Gas scrubbing plants for process and environmental technology

We specialize in jet and venturi scrubbers which are used with a high success rate for cleaning and de-dusting of discharge air, absorbing noxious gaseous substances, separating aerosols and cooling gases.

Our offering often includes combinations of emission control devices depending on the application. 

Jet scrubbers are unique among gas scrubbers. They work on the injection principle and are the only scrubbers which produce an increase rather than a loss in pressure in the gas flow. Thus, when using a jet scrubber there is generally no requirement for a mechanical ventilator for extracting and conveying the gases. 

Additional packing or trays are installed into the scrubber’s separator as counter-flow columns for fine cleaning. Depending on the particular application, jet scrubbers can also be designed with several effects or combined with Venturi scrubbers or aerosol separators.

Jet scrubbers are particularly suitable for use with explosive gas mixtures and heavily dust-laden and highly corrosive gases. They can also be conveniently installed into existing plants at a later date. 

Compact scrubbing units and emergency scrubbers

We have developed gas scrubbers in compact design for gas quantities of up to 2,000 m³/h. They are often used in chemical laboratories during testing, in production, filling, draining, and cleaning of equipment whenever very small flows of discharge air have to be drawn off.

In the event of an accident caused by escapes of chlorine or other toxic substances from leaking storage containers or dosing plants, GEA has developed compact emergency units, which operate according to the principle of the jet scrubbers. 

Jet scrubbing plants are perfectly suited to the cleaning of exhaust air from chemical reaction processes, production buildings, container de-aeration, and tank wagon emptying.

Titanium Dioxide Calcining

Titanium dioxide is produced through two processes: the chloride process and the sulfate process and both generate different but significant process-related emissions. 

GEA offers the removal of dust and sulfuric acid mist using venturi scrubbers and wet electrostatic precipitators.

Sulfuric Acid Recovery Plants

GEA offers for the removal of sulfuric acid mist wet electrostatic precipitators and washing and cooling systems

GEA Insights

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